Crystal Network operates a fast paced Information & Communications Technology environment. This means that the only kind of people that can work here are those that are highly motivated and can work with little or no supervision.

We believe very strongly in the Do-It-Yourself attitude which encourages our employees to develop their talents at astronomical paces. At Crystal Network, we provide a strong company culture that focuses on mutual growth, open communications, mutual respect and living balanced lives.
Who is the Crystal Network person?
The Ideal Crystal Network Person is an individual who shares and believes in the company’s values of excellence and the highest commitment to the short and long term goals of the company.

Excellent problem solving skills are a key quality of the Crystal Network Person, they must be able to work under pressure while maintaining the company’s standards of excellence at all times. The Crystal Network Person should be able to anticipate problems and find solutions for them in the shortest possible time; in other words they must be able to think outside the box!

Team Playing is a key ingredient in the growth of the company. The Crystal Network Person is a team player who is able to contribute positively to the overall growth of the company. This individual also possesses strong interpersonal skills, is articulate and presentable and is able to work well with colleagues.

If you possess the qualities of the Crystal Network Person and would like to find out more about how you can join our organization and add value to people’s lives, please send your C.V to
Site content manager: S.Ogunnaike
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